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Application Instructions to Help in Completing the Oakland County Early Childhood Program
Select ‘Preschool (3-5 year olds)’ from the list of options.
Choose 'Do you have a specific preschool you would like to apply for?' if you already know the preschool that you child would attend. Enter the city that the school is in and choose from the drop-down list of options for programs in that city. If you don’t know which school you want, do not check the box. A Care Coordinator will reach out to you to give you some options. Click which school year you want your child to attend from the drop-down menu.
Click on the ‘Desired Program Schedule’ you want (most programs are a full-day). Click on the next box if you need a school bus to pick your child up for school. Leave this box unchecked if you do not need transportation. Enter in your child’s information for the boxes with red asterisks. Click on the box if your child has an IEP or is a foster child. Enter in the child’s address, city and zip code. Click on the box ‘Is Homeless’ if you and your child do not have stable housing.
If your family speaks a language other than English, enter that information. Click the box if both parents speak English.
Enter in the number of people that live in your home (include the child you are enrolling in this count) . Include the people that are financially responsible for your child. Do not include the people who you do not claim on your tax return.
In order to process the pre-application, income information is needed to determine if your child is eligible for free preschool. Enter in your approximate total annual household income without any spaces or commas.
Choose the most recent tax year that you will be providing documentation for. Next, upload your income information. This can be your most recent tax return or 3 consecutive pay check stubs for all working family members in your home that you included in your household member count. Please black out all social security numbers on documents before you upload them. Click on the ‘Choose File’ button next to ‘Income Documentation’. Click on the income document(s) you want to upload and then click on ‘Open’.
Enter the name and contact information of the primary parent or legal guardian of the child you are seeking to enroll. Click on the ‘Add’ button next to ‘Other Parents/Guardians’ if another parent lives in the same home. This person will be included in your household count. Click on ‘Save’ when done.
Under the ‘Head Start/Great Start Readiness Program Questions’, click on the boxes that apply to you and your child. If the child you are enrolling has siblings that live in your home, click on the ‘Add’ button next to ‘Siblings’. Fill out all the boxes. Do this for each sibling. They will be included in your total household count.
If you are currently pregnant, click on the ‘Add Unborn Child’ button next to ‘Siblings’. Complete the section and click on ‘Save’.
If you would like to leave a note for a Care Coordinator, enter it in the box. Then type your name into the box under ‘Authorization’. Click on ‘Submit’. Once you click on ‘Submit’, your pre-application has been submitted and you will see the box below pop up:
Thank you for your application. A Care Coordinator will contact you to verify your information and go over any questions you may have. If you have chosen one of the programs from the drop-down menu, your pre-application was sent directly to them. A staff member from that program will contact you. You will also receive an email from ‘no-reply@miecc.org’ and will have a link in it that you can click on that will take you to the application you completed.